I am the most imperfect person that I know, but I am trying to become better.
This post could go one of two very different directions. I could now expound on that sentence and make this a deep(3 ft.-ish) post, or I could just totally go off the reservation and tell you some crazy story.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
That doesn't even look like a word now.
Let me start by saying I didn't make a New Years Resolution this year.
I'm such a cad.
I suppose I didn't because I had already fixed so much that I didn't really like about myself, and so I became temporarily complacent.
How immature and lame of me. Seriously.
After all this time I've spent not progressing I was really about to let myself be content with mediocrity?
Shame, Earl. Shame.
Back to the first sentence: I am the most imperfect person that I know.
In thinking about that statement, I think it's fair to say that to each individual they, themselves are the most flawed person that they know of. It reminds me of that cliche thing that goes something like: You can't compare your behind-the-scenes with someone else's highlight reel.
I'm getting off-track.
The purpose of this statement to me is that I spend more time and energy than I should judging others. Who am I to think that someone is ugly, stupid, pompous, ignorant, naive, etc., when I know how utterly damaged I am?
I like to think that I don't judge people too often, but it's definitely something I need to work on.
Food for thought, I suppose.
-Smooth change of subject-
Life is interesting, friends.
I'm sure that within a seemingly-long-but-actually-short amount of time, that all of the events that have transpired recently in my life will all make sense.
They don't always seem logical, but the only logic that I can truly trust in is what I feel to be right.
Most of the things that I have done may not have made logical sense, but they felt right.
The hardest part right now is trying to sort out all of my feelings, thoughts, and desires. I often fear that I may have acted rashly, emotionally, and without doing what actually felt right.
It's an almost unbearably terrifying thought. I also believe that I've received two answers to two questions I've been praying about, and they're both comforting and deeply... Well, sad.
But there's absolutely nothing I can do right now about it except for focus on my goal.
Think things through, ladies and gentleman. But don't make the mistake of not listening to what feels right. I think that's the area that should be granted the most energy and true evaluation.
Life is good. Hard, but good. I'm always here for any of my friends who may need me.
For whoever still reads this, you're great. Here comes some odd-Internet PDA.
I love you. (No homo)(that "no homo" didn't apply if you're a woman)
Earl/CJ out
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