Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Painfully Pleasant

Hello, World.
Sometimes I get kind of down. It's true, I'm most definitely not a robot.
-how cool would that be?
A great friend of mine once told me the golden rule to story telling is: to start out all stories with, "So there I was.."

 So there I was; drying myself off with a towel after my morning shower. I look down so I can see what I'm doing, when out of no where I feel this twang, this tweak, this pinch, this pain emanate from the passenger (right) side of my back. It went away like, an instant later, so I stood up straight. "Stranger things have happened.." -my mind So I begin to resume my work and when I tilted my head downwards I found myself racked with... Well for lack of a better word pain. So all dramatic story-telling aside, I basically tweaked my back. I was unable to move my neck and everything above it for several hours afterwards.

 Subject change:
It's Lizzie's birthday today :). Lizzie is this girl, who is now twenty and we've been dating for a pretty long while. There's much back story to Lizzie and I, but it's suffice to say that: she's my best friend. She drives me crazy in the best possible way. She's strange, loveable, kind, intoxicatingly adorable, smart, loyal, silly, a hard worker, and although she has been known to drive me crazy in the not best possible way occasionally, I wouldn't change one darn thing about her. I just hope that I can be the best I can be for her, always. If you ever read this babe, I love you :).
Earl out.


  1. For whatever reason, blogspot wouldn't apply all of my paragraph things. Spaces? Organizational things. I apologize for the giant paragraph that blogspot has left. I'll try to fix it tomorrow.

  2. Earl. You're a great friend of mine too. I appreciate the shout out... haha thanks Buddy.
