Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oh, right!

It seems I had momentarily forgotten that I have a blog. In an attempt to thwart my procrastination, I shall post. Hoo-ray. ... ray.
I feel like this blog would be much more influential- and maybe a little more sexy- if people other than Stephen and I (hoo-ray-ray for correct grammar) read it! Flipdangit (copyrighted?)! Alas, I am just another lowly blogger, in search of finding something profound through various inner dome(mind)depth dwelling; followed by iterating what I have come across. Is that how you use a semi-colon? Ah, phooey. I shouldn't care about that but I do. I'm likely to change that later if I find out whether or not is correct.
The my day part?
My day was... Pos-impable(HIMYM ref.). And yes, I know that doesn't make sense. I was trying to come up with a word that described my day and gave up.
It's... Midnight-45 right now. I should sleep. Ha, in the process of typing 'sleep,' I accidentally typed 'weep.'
Inner mind depth dwelling?
Hmm. Sure. Only because I left all (both) of you hanging with my first post.
There was much talk of missions today. Missions of the LDS kind - which I do plan on serving. I want to go, but I'm still pretty hesitant, if that makes any kind of sense at all. It's my duty, and I've always wanted to go. There's a million reasons to go, and only a few to stay. But, man.. Sure doesn't make it any easier. Especially when the main reason why I'd stay is also one of the reasons, in part, why I want to go.
Vague enough for ya? Haha, sorry. That's for another day, though if you know me at all you could probably figure out those reasons as easy as you could throw a rock at the ground.

Stay sweet. Earl out.

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