Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Seemingly Random Series of Events: Life

I started to write this entry while I was in bed. I was using my phone, and it's just too difficult. I would have not written as much as I will now that I am on a desktop, and I just feel that after,what, a week(?) that you good people deserve better. This post is going to be more serious, so for those of you who want to continue to view me in a light manner, it might be best to just skip this post, and I'll throw you a more hilariously-entertaining post next time.

So here we go.

Lately things have been rather.. interesting. In a time where not so much is really going the way I would want, I'm still finding happiness. Whether it's goofing off with some friends, a smile from a stranger, a hug from a close friend, or simply catching nothing but green lights on 600 s., life keeps giving me little things to enjoy.
Sure, there's lots of crap going on in my life that would persuade me to not want to be happy. But I'm realizing more and more that these things are temporal, and really don't matter. 

I feel like I'm finally ready to enjoy some of the not little things, though. For quite a long time, I've been not-all-intentionally-but-still-kinda-intentionally sabotaging myself from moving on with my life. If it weren't for some of my great friends and family's persistance, I would have long ago probably given up. I know the general idea (general idea *salute*) of what I want to do with my life; I've always known. But now, it's different. I'm at one of the critical turning points in my life, where by doing/changing small things, I'll be setting the course for the rest of my life. It's intimidating, to be perfectly honest. For quite a long time, I've let my fears, my worries, my doubts keep me from progressing, from realizing who I should be. But ya know what? It's time. To tell you the truth, a truth I've only told two people prior to this, I really don't like who I am all too much. I haven't in years. Every one of my friends have been miracles in my life. Every one of my family members have been miracles in my life. Now, I don't use the word 'miracle' often, and it's definitely not a word I take/use lightly. So realize that me saying this, is a huge deal for me. Without every single one of you, I shudder to think where I would be right now.

It's time to move on.

A scary thought, no doubt. But I think I'm ready for it. I'm ready to get out on my mission, to work my BUTT OFF, to come back, marry the girl I want to spend eternity with, and fufill any other thing that the Lord requires of me. I know I'm definitely not prepared for what's to come. I can't pretend to know what Life is going to be like. But I'm ready to find out.

By the way, Happy Halloween, everybody :). It's my favorite holiday, and I plan to make it a good one. Pictures tomorrow? Yes.

Earl out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sometimes I wish I was more apathetic

Quick update: all posts made from my phone will be almost completely lacking format-ness. I can't sleep. Maybe because I have a cold sore on my lip. Maybe because I'm upset. Maybe because there's too much on my mind. Maybe because I'm upset. Annoyed? Yeah. Maybe because I feel terrible for not posting for a couple days... Heh. Last night was awful. I won't divulge all of what transpired: just know that I honestly don't think I've ever been as mad as I was last night. I was literally shaking from anger/hurt/frustration/annoyed-ness. Then a funny, slightly unwanted for stupid reasons, small miracle happened. That's far too personal for the Internet. Here's to not looking forward to another long night of feeling bitter. Earl out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Today I actually have something to write about!.. kinda.
First: This is a picture.
This is Liz and I (hooray-ray grammar!) at Market Street Grill for her birthday dinner!
We look pretty swell, huh? Well, she always does, so en-be-dee. I was actually feeling quite awful. I don't know if it was the food or just my body hating me, but I didn't feel so awesome.
Yesterday was pretty fun I suppose. I went with Copper Hills to their competition at Davis High, then after they performed I left and picked up some flowers with my friends Cameron and Kassi - thank you for the help- and then went to see Liz!
All in all, it was a good day.

Now time for a random factoid about me.
I have this box.
a garbage can.
It holds random memories. Here's a picture!

It has tickets, pictures, just memories.

That's about all I've got today. Super exciting post, yeah? I'll try and post pictures pretty often on here, it'll make things more exciting I think.

Earl out

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Painfully Pleasant

Hello, World.
Sometimes I get kind of down. It's true, I'm most definitely not a robot.
-how cool would that be?
A great friend of mine once told me the golden rule to story telling is: to start out all stories with, "So there I was.."

 So there I was; drying myself off with a towel after my morning shower. I look down so I can see what I'm doing, when out of no where I feel this twang, this tweak, this pinch, this pain emanate from the passenger (right) side of my back. It went away like, an instant later, so I stood up straight. "Stranger things have happened.." -my mind So I begin to resume my work and when I tilted my head downwards I found myself racked with... Well for lack of a better word pain. So all dramatic story-telling aside, I basically tweaked my back. I was unable to move my neck and everything above it for several hours afterwards.

 Subject change:
It's Lizzie's birthday today :). Lizzie is this girl, who is now twenty and we've been dating for a pretty long while. There's much back story to Lizzie and I, but it's suffice to say that: she's my best friend. She drives me crazy in the best possible way. She's strange, loveable, kind, intoxicatingly adorable, smart, loyal, silly, a hard worker, and although she has been known to drive me crazy in the not best possible way occasionally, I wouldn't change one darn thing about her. I just hope that I can be the best I can be for her, always. If you ever read this babe, I love you :).
Earl out.

Monday, October 17, 2011


I don't know how to "follow" other people's blogs.. I really don't. Do I just become your friend, or what?

Check out this blog also. It has alliteration, which is cool.

Earl out

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wait! Wha-?!

I have six followers! Ah! I'm so ignorant!

Love you people. True friends, every one of you.
Jessie, you're great. And I still feel bad about the joke I made. I apologize for being "that guy," you know, the one who's a jerk sometimes.

Earl out, for real.

Oh, right!

It seems I had momentarily forgotten that I have a blog. In an attempt to thwart my procrastination, I shall post. Hoo-ray. ... ray.
I feel like this blog would be much more influential- and maybe a little more sexy- if people other than Stephen and I (hoo-ray-ray for correct grammar) read it! Flipdangit (copyrighted?)! Alas, I am just another lowly blogger, in search of finding something profound through various inner dome(mind)depth dwelling; followed by iterating what I have come across. Is that how you use a semi-colon? Ah, phooey. I shouldn't care about that but I do. I'm likely to change that later if I find out whether or not is correct.
The my day part?
My day was... Pos-impable(HIMYM ref.). And yes, I know that doesn't make sense. I was trying to come up with a word that described my day and gave up.
It's... Midnight-45 right now. I should sleep. Ha, in the process of typing 'sleep,' I accidentally typed 'weep.'
Inner mind depth dwelling?
Hmm. Sure. Only because I left all (both) of you hanging with my first post.
There was much talk of missions today. Missions of the LDS kind - which I do plan on serving. I want to go, but I'm still pretty hesitant, if that makes any kind of sense at all. It's my duty, and I've always wanted to go. There's a million reasons to go, and only a few to stay. But, man.. Sure doesn't make it any easier. Especially when the main reason why I'd stay is also one of the reasons, in part, why I want to go.
Vague enough for ya? Haha, sorry. That's for another day, though if you know me at all you could probably figure out those reasons as easy as you could throw a rock at the ground.

Stay sweet. Earl out.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I have been fiddling with this blogs theme/layout thing for an hour and a half now.. I kinda like where it's going... but I'm definitely a novice at this. Also, I dislike the unattractive grey bar underneath my picture at the top of the page. If someone out there knows how to configure these kinds of things, please: Help Me.

... Earl out

Friday, October 14, 2011

First post, eh?

Well, this should be interesting. Don't misunderstand: it'll be interesting for me, probably not so much for whomever may stumble upon this wildly unentertaining blog. I know, I know, the title of this blog may give the impression to some that this page contains a plethora of epicicty. Not true. Well.. Not yet anyway. - quick side note - what in the heck kind of word is 'blog' anyhow? Sad but true fact: I like this word so little, that my distaste for it is actually a large part of the reason why I've never really attempted a blog. - back on track now -
I don't see how I expect to be successful with this venture. It took me a good 10 minutes of intense eye-to-screen action to even label this blog. But it is what it is (I say that a lot, as you may soon come to know). So welcome random web-travlers, to The Epic Adventures of.. Me.
"Who is, 'Me?'" - you
Oh, hi. I'm Earl.. No really, my name is Earl. Okay you can stop laughing now, because I'm most certainly NOT kidding.. In all reality I really do like my name. I used to hate it, however. Fun fact: I didn't really even know my name was Earl until I was like.. Six? Yeah, sad, right? This is due, in part, to the fact that my nickname, CJ, was predominately used throughout my younger years. .. .... I just had total writers block for a moment. I had/have no clue what to say now. Curses. Well, moving on. I guess this is the part where I tell you about my day or something?
Enough of this boring introductory shtuff. I realized today that my life has been a large series of painful realizations, wasted time, and fun. Weren't expecting that last bit, huh? Well I'm definitely not gonna be "that guy" (another phrase you'll become greatly accustomed to seeing) who just acts like my life has been so hard and terrible and blah blah blah. Fact is: I've been extremely blessed in life with good friends, family, and comfort. To deny that would just be dee you emm dee. I suppose I'll expound more on the complexities of my mind at a later time in this blog. I would like to see how well I do at keeping up with it first, then maybe I'll indulge you, oh Internet, and give up some of my pointless to you, point-ful (meaningful) to me thoughts. Until then, Earl out.

Did I just come up with a semi-sweet sign-off phrase?... O.o oh boy