Patience has been on my mind a lot this past week.
I feel like sometimes I am very patient and held-together-well, but other times I am a complete mess of impatience. That's silly of me to say because I think one of patience's fundamental qualities is consistency; which, in this area of my life at least, I seem to be lacking pretty hardcore.
On a more positive note, I've been practicing my accent more (much to the pleasure of my coworkers :)). I think it's coming along. And by that I mean that I think that I'm going to get fired.
Just kidding, they love me. I think..
Other than these random thoughts, not too much to report right now, world.
I'm doing quite well!
I'm a little broken :p
Edmon Dauntes in while in the Chateau Di'ef has nothing on me
Pleeease tell me someone got that reference
I'm excited for life!
I love penguins!
It's almost April... Woah. Agh. Wih. Uh. Bluhg. So many things.
God save the queen!
-Earl/CJ out
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