So here I am; 1-something in the AM and I can't sleep. This happens too often. It probably isn't good for me!
Tonight's episode of Psych (my favorite TV show) was ridiculous.
The episode was actually called Deez Nups haha :)
Best show ever.
As sad as it is, that's part of the reason, I think, as to my lack of sleeping. I want to know what's going to happen next!!
It's that time of year, folks. I want to get out! I want to do things! I want to travel, explore, go on dates, see movies, go to a beach, run around a park, drive with the windows down, go boating, have a picnic, lie outside at night and watch the sky, swing on swing sets, watch movies, have a bonfire, play badminton, play ultimate frisbee, go to a drive-in, go swimming, identify cloud-shapes, get sunburned, act like a kid, chase an ice cream truck, play board games, talk about nothing, walk around a lake, drive through a canyon, hike, dig a large hole, camp, make a music video, make music, sing, dance, jump in puddles during a rain storm, set off fireworks, barbeque, run amok, roll down a hill, SLIPNSLIDE down a giant hill, get yogurt vibes and sit at a view, learn new things, spend time with family and friends, be a goof, meet new people, see old friends, lounge, cuddle, I want to get out and LIVE.
These things must happen within the next... 90 days. That's all I have left, people. Then comes my next big journey, my next big step. I couldn't be more excited, but these days are precious and I want to make the most out of them because I know that things will be quite different when I return.
I want to spend these next soon-to-be memories with the people whom I care for the most.
Nothing is going to stop me from making these next few months some of the best of my life (so far).
And by golly, I'll make it work.
Also, I've been making some hard decisions these past couple weeks, but it's been good. I know I'm doing what's right and I know that things will work out how they're supposed to. Here's to hoping :).
Earl/CJ out

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Well, kids.. it's been a crazy couple of weeks.
I'm actually having a hard time recalling 95% of the events that have transpired since my last post.
I really don't have anything to say. Everything on my mind is a little too personal for this venue.
I cannot complain. Life is Life, and things will work out however they may.
94 days, kids.
Also, I turn 21 in less than a week! I'm gonna party hard :). (by that I mean that I'll probably just have dinner with my family haha :) )
Earl/CJ out
I'm actually having a hard time recalling 95% of the events that have transpired since my last post.
I really don't have anything to say. Everything on my mind is a little too personal for this venue.
I cannot complain. Life is Life, and things will work out however they may.
94 days, kids.
Also, I turn 21 in less than a week! I'm gonna party hard :). (by that I mean that I'll probably just have dinner with my family haha :) )
Earl/CJ out
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Patience has been on my mind a lot this past week.
I feel like sometimes I am very patient and held-together-well, but other times I am a complete mess of impatience. That's silly of me to say because I think one of patience's fundamental qualities is consistency; which, in this area of my life at least, I seem to be lacking pretty hardcore.
On a more positive note, I've been practicing my accent more (much to the pleasure of my coworkers :)). I think it's coming along. And by that I mean that I think that I'm going to get fired.
Just kidding, they love me. I think..
Other than these random thoughts, not too much to report right now, world.
I'm doing quite well!
I'm a little broken :p
Edmon Dauntes in while in the Chateau Di'ef has nothing on me
Pleeease tell me someone got that reference
I'm excited for life!
I love penguins!
It's almost April... Woah. Agh. Wih. Uh. Bluhg. So many things.
God save the queen!
-Earl/CJ out
I feel like sometimes I am very patient and held-together-well, but other times I am a complete mess of impatience. That's silly of me to say because I think one of patience's fundamental qualities is consistency; which, in this area of my life at least, I seem to be lacking pretty hardcore.
On a more positive note, I've been practicing my accent more (much to the pleasure of my coworkers :)). I think it's coming along. And by that I mean that I think that I'm going to get fired.
Just kidding, they love me. I think..
Other than these random thoughts, not too much to report right now, world.
I'm doing quite well!
I'm a little broken :p
Edmon Dauntes in while in the Chateau Di'ef has nothing on me
Pleeease tell me someone got that reference
I'm excited for life!
I love penguins!
It's almost April... Woah. Agh. Wih. Uh. Bluhg. So many things.
God save the queen!
-Earl/CJ out
Saturday, March 16, 2013
One of thoooose nights..
So here I am: lying in bed.
It is currently 5:09 AM and I've been up since circa 2:35 AM.
... Ugh.
I know why I can't sleep. It's a mixture of many things.
1. I slept all day before work... Stupid, I know.
2. There's a baker beneath my bed. (Rocket Man reference. If you didn't get it, shame on you)
3. There's something in my eye.
--side note-- I'm having such a hard time text-typing this right now hah--
4. Suffice to say there is much on my mind.
Well, duh. (People should say 'duh' more often. Let's bring it back)
I suppose since it is late, (and you all know what that means) I'll give you a somewhat exclusive-if-not-almostcompletely-vague tour of my mind here at this late hour.
First: The Ladies. Or-erm-ahem- lady. There's not much I have, nor would would it be appropriate, to proclaim/say to the virtual world on this topic. I will say this, however: ... I'm trying to think of what my 'however, I will say this' will be. I don't want to be so lame as to give you guys nothing.
Hmm. We'll come back to it.
Second: I have a work meeting in less than 3 hours. Not excited.
Third: Can it be July?
Fourth: Why must I wait 'till July?
Fifth: There's gotta be something, if not many substantial things, that I am to do before then.
Sixth: I really want to watch Rocket Man now..
Seventh: I just learned a few more songs on guitar, as well as dusted off a few old ones. I'll post a list at the bottom of songs I played, just for funsies.
Eighth: These past two weeks have been AWESOME. Ups and downs and all arounds, but awesome, nonetheless.
Allow me to explain:
Last week I was blessed to have many great experiences that I was able to share with some of the people whom I care the most for. I had some late night talks with a couple close friends, one of which really helped me out of a potentially terrible night (thank you, Jaimes!).
I worked a good bit and made some pretty profits!
I went to three weddings! 2 of which were some of my best friends weddings and they were so great for so many reasons. I'll get back to that.
I went to Aric's Bachelor party which was bomb!
I danced my butt off. :)
Worked more.
I had a couple days off this week, too and I spent the vast majority of that time with great guys, the likes of which haven't been known in--blah blah I'm rambling. It was awesome. We nerded out BIG time, and ate many great and terrible-for-you things. Then hung out with a bunch of girls and a few dudes that we didn't know. Good times abounded. I'm sad they're gone.
A myriad of other things happened, but I'll keep those to myself, thank you very much.
One moment, I need to review this post to make sure I covered all my bases and wasn't toooo vague.
Oh, right. Pft. I don't even know why I bother being vague about women. If any of you know me sufficiently then you know exactly who I'm talking about.
For her sake I'll be vague anyway.
Mmm. No I shouldn't say anything.
Well that went no where. Sorry, folks. Guess I can't cash in my previous promise to divulge information on this subject. If ya care to know, ask me in person.
Songs I played in these wee hours of the morning:
Something I learned but cannot remember the name of... I learned it for that girl forever ago. Can't think of the name.
Even if it Kills Me-Jason Mraz
Everything I Own-Bread
More than Words-Extreme
I Won't Give Up-Jason Mraz
Classical Gas-Mason Williams
Something I wrote
'Til Kingdom Come-Coldplay
I Will Wait-Mumford and Sons
Stranger Things Have Happened-FooFighters
I Miss You-Incubus
Um.. I think that's it.
.. Sure.
Mammal. (Autocorrect from mmk)
Man, I love autocorrects :)
Earl/CJ out!
It is currently 5:09 AM and I've been up since circa 2:35 AM.
... Ugh.
I know why I can't sleep. It's a mixture of many things.
1. I slept all day before work... Stupid, I know.
2. There's a baker beneath my bed. (Rocket Man reference. If you didn't get it, shame on you)
3. There's something in my eye.
--side note-- I'm having such a hard time text-typing this right now hah--
4. Suffice to say there is much on my mind.
Well, duh. (People should say 'duh' more often. Let's bring it back)
I suppose since it is late, (and you all know what that means) I'll give you a somewhat exclusive-if-not-almostcompletely-vague tour of my mind here at this late hour.
First: The Ladies. Or-erm-ahem- lady. There's not much I have, nor would would it be appropriate, to proclaim/say to the virtual world on this topic. I will say this, however: ... I'm trying to think of what my 'however, I will say this' will be. I don't want to be so lame as to give you guys nothing.
Hmm. We'll come back to it.
Second: I have a work meeting in less than 3 hours. Not excited.
Third: Can it be July?
Fourth: Why must I wait 'till July?
Fifth: There's gotta be something, if not many substantial things, that I am to do before then.
Sixth: I really want to watch Rocket Man now..
Seventh: I just learned a few more songs on guitar, as well as dusted off a few old ones. I'll post a list at the bottom of songs I played, just for funsies.
Eighth: These past two weeks have been AWESOME. Ups and downs and all arounds, but awesome, nonetheless.
Allow me to explain:
Last week I was blessed to have many great experiences that I was able to share with some of the people whom I care the most for. I had some late night talks with a couple close friends, one of which really helped me out of a potentially terrible night (thank you, Jaimes!).
I worked a good bit and made some pretty profits!
I went to three weddings! 2 of which were some of my best friends weddings and they were so great for so many reasons. I'll get back to that.
I went to Aric's Bachelor party which was bomb!
I danced my butt off. :)
Worked more.
I had a couple days off this week, too and I spent the vast majority of that time with great guys, the likes of which haven't been known in--blah blah I'm rambling. It was awesome. We nerded out BIG time, and ate many great and terrible-for-you things. Then hung out with a bunch of girls and a few dudes that we didn't know. Good times abounded. I'm sad they're gone.
A myriad of other things happened, but I'll keep those to myself, thank you very much.
One moment, I need to review this post to make sure I covered all my bases and wasn't toooo vague.
Oh, right. Pft. I don't even know why I bother being vague about women. If any of you know me sufficiently then you know exactly who I'm talking about.
For her sake I'll be vague anyway.
Mmm. No I shouldn't say anything.
Well that went no where. Sorry, folks. Guess I can't cash in my previous promise to divulge information on this subject. If ya care to know, ask me in person.
Songs I played in these wee hours of the morning:
Something I learned but cannot remember the name of... I learned it for that girl forever ago. Can't think of the name.
Even if it Kills Me-Jason Mraz
Everything I Own-Bread
More than Words-Extreme
I Won't Give Up-Jason Mraz
Classical Gas-Mason Williams
Something I wrote
'Til Kingdom Come-Coldplay
I Will Wait-Mumford and Sons
Stranger Things Have Happened-FooFighters
I Miss You-Incubus
Um.. I think that's it.
.. Sure.
Mammal. (Autocorrect from mmk)
Man, I love autocorrects :)
Earl/CJ out!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
It's Late...
It's late... I'm tired.
Here's what some of my friends have to say right now:
Joe: Tell them I said something cool.
Jacob: I love you.
Brandon: I like nice people.
CJ/Earl/Me: ... I like that.
So, yeah. Life is great.
I have so many stories I could tell! Buuuut not now. Maybe later
Sometimes reminiscing is great :).
Today was fantastic.
Last week was crazy and great. SOO good. I'll explain later.
That's all for now, I'll say more tomorrow.
Earl/CJ out
Here's what some of my friends have to say right now:
Joe: Tell them I said something cool.
Jacob: I love you.
Brandon: I like nice people.
CJ/Earl/Me: ... I like that.
So, yeah. Life is great.
I have so many stories I could tell! Buuuut not now. Maybe later
Sometimes reminiscing is great :).
Today was fantastic.
Last week was crazy and great. SOO good. I'll explain later.
That's all for now, I'll say more tomorrow.
Earl/CJ out
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Oh, boy!
Well, boys and girls; this past week has been crazy.
I worked quite a lot, and when I wasn't working I kept myself busy with studying, keeping up with my shows, playing music, and hanging out!
Went to a concert on Friday, and the only band we went to see wasn't there :(
One of my best friends bachelor party was this past Saturday and it was AWESOME. I'm really happy for him and his soon-to-be wife. I WOULD post some pics and videos, but I'm pretty sure that's against the laws of a bachelor party. Much fun was had.
I also had, hands down, the WORST food week that I've ever had. I ate nothing but pizza, cookies, a FF5 tribute meal, and other assorted junks.
But none of that is exciting.. this is:
I'll post a video sometime of me opening the call, if that's something that you, my friends and readers, would like.
I cannot wait, but I will. Mmmm boy. I've been working for this for a long time, and it's finally happening. I could not have done it without the support of my family and friends.
Since then, I've been taking my studying much more seriously, and I've organized my efforts, and it's going really well! This is my study area:
I'm diggin' it! I'm still adding more resources and whatnot to it, also.
It's gonna be a long four months, but it should be pretty great :).
Here's to the future!
Earl/CJ out
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Sound Advice
Whenever I'm about to do something dumb, I find myself, saying to myself, "Earl,... CJ,... Don't be that guy."
And then (usually) I listen to that voice. I don't do the dumb thing that I was about to do.
Dumb things include:
Poor driving decisions
Talking to certain people
Eating that thing in the fridge that is maaaaybe expired(?)
Various things of omission
Thanks to all of you Sassafrateers who taught me this valuable lesson.
Earl/CJ out
Friday, February 15, 2013
Work in Progress
It's an adjustment; this whole living back at home thing.
It's not bad, it's kinda nice to not have to worry about making rent and paying bills but at the same time I REALLY liked being independant and living with my best friends.
Nowadays, I wake up and just do my thang.
This post is boring, and I apologize for that. Life is kind of dull at the moment.
I've been trying for the past six weeks to get my mission papers in now that I've got myself together, and it's just been one obstacle after another. I know that it's all happening for a higher purpose than I currently understand, but it's pretty disheartening sometimes. I'm kind of in a bit of a disheartened stupor these past couple days because I'm sooooo close to being on my way.
I'm so anxious it's flippin' crazy.
I'm trying to stay positive and just keep doing what I've been doing to prepare, but it's wearing on me slightly!
It's all probably just a test to make sure that I'm ready and all of that. Or it could be that I've made the Lord wait this long, and so I'm being made to wait now (not likely, that's a horrible thought and doesn't come from Him). There's another possibility as to why this has been so difficult but I can't bear to think about it, nor can I really find the iron to post something like that. Everything will make sense soon.
I should go to My Spot... I think I'll do that as soon as I'm done posting.
My Spot is in the OM Temple parking lot. It's my sanctuary.
I guess I'll report on the recent fun that's happened in this quest to turn in my papers.
So I got that surgery on my nose like my Doc said to, and she mailed in my papers to my bishop (which didn't even get to him until 13 days later for some reason), and after several trips to the Stake office and meetings with my bishop nothing had really progressed until Tuesday when my Bishop texted me saying that he finally received my medical papers and so I went on Wednesday to Orem to try and meet with the Stake Pres. but he was out of town.
Basically, after like 6 meetings with various leaders, what should have been a maybe 7-10 day ordeal has been much longer.
This is turning into a vent-post... sorry :/. I don't mean to come off as sounding ungrateful. I have so much to be thankful for and I hope that my gratitude is shown and received as often as it should be outside of this internetic venue.
I need to go grocery shopping.
Someone, please give me a topic for my next post so that I can make this more interesting for y'all!
I also decided that I need to start introducing myself more often as CJ, because my whole family is adamant that the woman I marry must call me CJ, not Earl.
Also, The Hush Sound is on repeat for me these days. Mmm, love it.
Earl/CJ out
It's not bad, it's kinda nice to not have to worry about making rent and paying bills but at the same time I REALLY liked being independant and living with my best friends.
Nowadays, I wake up and just do my thang.
- bathroom
- check the fridge
- walk around for a couple minutes
- go drum downstairs
- check for food (maybe eat)
- bathroom
- watch the History Channel (I actually like to switch it up between History channel and H2, their less historic version of History channel)
- by this point I have to have eaten
- play piano
- maybe read
- get ready for work
- go to work
- come home
- eat
- watch tv/a movie with my parents
- shower
- chill/study/phone/blog/whatever
- sleep.
This post is boring, and I apologize for that. Life is kind of dull at the moment.
I've been trying for the past six weeks to get my mission papers in now that I've got myself together, and it's just been one obstacle after another. I know that it's all happening for a higher purpose than I currently understand, but it's pretty disheartening sometimes. I'm kind of in a bit of a disheartened stupor these past couple days because I'm sooooo close to being on my way.
I'm so anxious it's flippin' crazy.
I'm trying to stay positive and just keep doing what I've been doing to prepare, but it's wearing on me slightly!
It's all probably just a test to make sure that I'm ready and all of that. Or it could be that I've made the Lord wait this long, and so I'm being made to wait now (not likely, that's a horrible thought and doesn't come from Him). There's another possibility as to why this has been so difficult but I can't bear to think about it, nor can I really find the iron to post something like that. Everything will make sense soon.
I should go to My Spot... I think I'll do that as soon as I'm done posting.
My Spot is in the OM Temple parking lot. It's my sanctuary.
I guess I'll report on the recent fun that's happened in this quest to turn in my papers.
So I got that surgery on my nose like my Doc said to, and she mailed in my papers to my bishop (which didn't even get to him until 13 days later for some reason), and after several trips to the Stake office and meetings with my bishop nothing had really progressed until Tuesday when my Bishop texted me saying that he finally received my medical papers and so I went on Wednesday to Orem to try and meet with the Stake Pres. but he was out of town.
Basically, after like 6 meetings with various leaders, what should have been a maybe 7-10 day ordeal has been much longer.
This is turning into a vent-post... sorry :/. I don't mean to come off as sounding ungrateful. I have so much to be thankful for and I hope that my gratitude is shown and received as often as it should be outside of this internetic venue.
I need to go grocery shopping.
Someone, please give me a topic for my next post so that I can make this more interesting for y'all!
I also decided that I need to start introducing myself more often as CJ, because my whole family is adamant that the woman I marry must call me CJ, not Earl.
Also, The Hush Sound is on repeat for me these days. Mmm, love it.
Earl/CJ out
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Might as well, right?
So, I haven't been in school in a long time.
I miss it.
That's all.
And in other news: Today was a success!
I really haven't ever been a huge Valentines Day subscriber. If you need a commercialized day to use as an excuse to dote on/express love for someone, then shame on you.
I'm going to do my dern'est to not come off as a Bitter Benny while speaking about St. Valentines Day.
I do find both value and merit in Valentines Day. It can be used as a break from the usual hustle and bustle that permeates our daily lives. Use it to set aside arguments and petty disagreements and take advantage of that time to enjoy eachother's company/uniquness/strengths/all'a that.
I've historically had a signifigant other in my life on this, the Fourteenth of February, and while I don't this year I hope that everyone who does have someone special appreciates their worth and blah blah blah blah-- okay, I've reached my sentimental quota for this post.
In summation:
Have a good time, kids.
My day was a very productful one. I:
Picked up my truck from the shop ($$)
Got said truck temporarily registered ($)
Renewed my Drivers License (S)
Applied for a Passport ($$)
Worked ($)
It was a good day, ladies and gentleman.
Large package of Gummi Lifesavers, Be Mine.
Earl out
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Well world, I am bored, and to keep my thoughts away from the Internet, I have now opened up a Word document and entitled it\cjthoughts. SO here goes.
Hi. I have rediscovered Incubus, the band, and I really enjoy them. I've started to listen to their new stuff now too, even though I was against it before. My phone has a crack in the screen. Don't tell my dad. He'd kill me. I need a car. I should probably be doing school work right now, instead I'm doing this and listening to Knights of Cydonia and watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Good movie, and good song. Tomorrow school is back again, maybe I should like...go hide somewhere. Or bring banana peels and see if someone will actually trip on one. I've always wanted to do that. I think it would work. I don't think I'm allergic to them anymore, I ate a slice of one today in my Sundae and Sundae Sundays with my Priest Quorum. Nothing bad happened, it was just simply delicious! I love watching drumming videos, they're freakin sweet. They inspire me to practice and get better, but then they also make me feel like, man, I suck at this. I quit. But that usually happens more when it's in person, but anyway. My dog is named Buddy. He's a beagle, he's a funny little weirdo. I think he gets it from me. He's attacking my mom right now, in a nice way. But he attacks people he doesn't know. I just spent my iTunes gift card, it was good. I hate how my Mp3 player can play videos but I can't put any on there. That really bugs me. Now Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback is playing, another really good song, but kinda overplayed. Oh well, I won't skip it. I wanna jam with people, like really really good musicians, and just like, go lay down some serious tracks of music and then make a music video. I think that's what I wanna do with my life hahahaha. I think it's funny how I'm writing all this, no one's going to read all'a this hah! Life is good =). Anyway, I wish I had contacts, but I wish I didn't have to put them in, so I guess I just wish I wasn't blind, and that I didn't look twelve. Grr. My sister just looked over at what I was typing and said, Holy crap. I agree. This is pretty ridiculous. I wanna go see a movie. Maybe Yes Man. Too bad it's like nine o' clock and a sunday. Gr. I wish I wasn't in High school and I could just like, be in High school, if that makes sense. Oh well. I hate grades. Physics is fun, but I don't get it, I think I'm just stupid. If I were to write an autobiography, I would entitle it The Epic Adventures of Earl IV. I think it's a groovy name. I'm trying to bring back that word, and righteous, and Psychadelic. I really like the show Psych, it's hilarious! He should soooo totally hook up with the cop chick, they were even close talking!!! My dog is scratching it's ear with its foot. I wish I could do that. Show off. I watched Fight Club yesterday, yes, I know it's rated R, so judge me. Haha! I feel like drumming. Darn. WHo decided that swear words were swear words? Or that the middle finger is a bad one lol? I don't get it =P. Not that I wanna swear or anything, I just would like to know who thinks they're all that and could decided that those words suck haha. I understand now why Ryan did that to Creed, gave him a word document instead of a blog, these thoughts are really random, and I don't know if you people are ready for it.
-January 11, 2009
Hi. I have rediscovered Incubus, the band, and I really enjoy them. I've started to listen to their new stuff now too, even though I was against it before. My phone has a crack in the screen. Don't tell my dad. He'd kill me. I need a car. I should probably be doing school work right now, instead I'm doing this and listening to Knights of Cydonia and watching Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Good movie, and good song. Tomorrow school is back again, maybe I should like...go hide somewhere. Or bring banana peels and see if someone will actually trip on one. I've always wanted to do that. I think it would work. I don't think I'm allergic to them anymore, I ate a slice of one today in my Sundae and Sundae Sundays with my Priest Quorum. Nothing bad happened, it was just simply delicious! I love watching drumming videos, they're freakin sweet. They inspire me to practice and get better, but then they also make me feel like, man, I suck at this. I quit. But that usually happens more when it's in person, but anyway. My dog is named Buddy. He's a beagle, he's a funny little weirdo. I think he gets it from me. He's attacking my mom right now, in a nice way. But he attacks people he doesn't know. I just spent my iTunes gift card, it was good. I hate how my Mp3 player can play videos but I can't put any on there. That really bugs me. Now Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback is playing, another really good song, but kinda overplayed. Oh well, I won't skip it. I wanna jam with people, like really really good musicians, and just like, go lay down some serious tracks of music and then make a music video. I think that's what I wanna do with my life hahahaha. I think it's funny how I'm writing all this, no one's going to read all'a this hah! Life is good =). Anyway, I wish I had contacts, but I wish I didn't have to put them in, so I guess I just wish I wasn't blind, and that I didn't look twelve. Grr. My sister just looked over at what I was typing and said, Holy crap. I agree. This is pretty ridiculous. I wanna go see a movie. Maybe Yes Man. Too bad it's like nine o' clock and a sunday. Gr. I wish I wasn't in High school and I could just like, be in High school, if that makes sense. Oh well. I hate grades. Physics is fun, but I don't get it, I think I'm just stupid. If I were to write an autobiography, I would entitle it The Epic Adventures of Earl IV. I think it's a groovy name. I'm trying to bring back that word, and righteous, and Psychadelic. I really like the show Psych, it's hilarious! He should soooo totally hook up with the cop chick, they were even close talking!!! My dog is scratching it's ear with its foot. I wish I could do that. Show off. I watched Fight Club yesterday, yes, I know it's rated R, so judge me. Haha! I feel like drumming. Darn. WHo decided that swear words were swear words? Or that the middle finger is a bad one lol? I don't get it =P. Not that I wanna swear or anything, I just would like to know who thinks they're all that and could decided that those words suck haha. I understand now why Ryan did that to Creed, gave him a word document instead of a blog, these thoughts are really random, and I don't know if you people are ready for it.
-January 11, 2009
Purple Penguin
I kind of dislike titling these posts.
So the reason I'm blogging so much more frequently nowadays is because I use it as a distraction/venting-thing. I need distractions pretty often it seems :p.
So right now I'm at my parent's house again, and it's so much easier to type/format. I like that.
My shoes looked pretty freaking good yesterday in the snow, it's like they got washed fourty times.
Shout-out to Jaimes for turning 21 today!
Thank goodness for Taking Back Sunday; specifically for writing New American Classic. I cannot ever get enough of that song.
Shout-out to Madd Dawg for getting her mission call to Japan! So excited for you!
I'm unbelievably anxious.
I'm kind of sad.
'Cuz I'm moving back down to West Jordan in about 10 days... I love being with my family but I've really grown to love most-everything about living on my own in Orem, but it's become impractical considering that my truck just kinda died and I'm now sharing cars with my mom, and I deliver pizzas for a living. Not to mention(which is a silly phrase, because now I'm going to mention said thing) that I'm oh-so-close to getting out on my mission and I could really use some more time to myself to prepare.
But I don't really like having a ton of time to myself :/. I'm pretty lame in that I'm needy for my friends, family, company. Or maybe you don't think that's lame, I dunno. I'm fine being by myself, I just would rather not be most of the time.
Ever since I found out that there is a problem with my nose and all of the crap that comes with it, it's become SO much more noticeable. I'm kinda dying to get this surgery done so that I can move on.
5 days.
Is there anything else you guys want me to talk about? I know you people exist, because my pageviews keep going up. So speak up! Anonymously, named, I don't care!
I don't know what to write about.
Okay, how about this:
I hate feeling helpless. I was driving for work yesterday morning in Orem during a freaking snowstorm and mi madre's tires are bald, and I was sliding ALL OVER THE PLACE. I honestly, within the first 2 minutes of driving, resigned myself to the fact that I was going to get into an accident at work. I'm not joking, I almost called my mother and told her that.
Miracles happen, Ladies and Gentleman.
I didn't get into an accident. I would like to blame it on my impressive snow-driving capabilities, but there's no way. Divine Inter-freaking-vention (which is another great TBS song).
It's going to be really hard moving back up here to West Jordan. I'm going to miss being so close to my surrogate family.
Family members:
Madd Dawg
Love you guys.
Time is moving on, things are rapidly changing.
I (hopefully-)soon will be serving the people of whichever land I'll be assigned to labor in on my mission for two years.
Two of my best friends are getting married at the beginning of March, congratulations to you guys and gals.
Stephen, Brandon, Tayler, and Joe are continuing their education and starting their own new chapters.
Have fun in FREAKING LONDON AND ROME. Maybe I'll see you there?
I can look forward to all of these things and more, many of which I couldn't begin to fathom, with hope. I know that anything that God causes to happen is for their betterment. Trials, miracles, changes, they all happen to help us. Sometimes it's hard to feel that way when something terrible happens, but it's to make way for something greater and He's always here to help us through it. If we bear the burdens well, we'll be rewarded more than we thought possible. I know these things. It's taken me a long time to develop this perspective and to be able to differentiate between when God has a hand in my life and when I or other people act, for there is often a great difference between what man does and what God does.
I know now that I've made many mistakes recently, some larger than others. -I've been trying to find a way to express this next sentence, but suffice to say: It sucks. I take both comfort and pain in the fact that there's nothing I can do about it now though, and that I need to just try and continue on the path I'm on, and if things are supposed to happen/change, then they will. Not when I want it to, but when He wants it to.
Woah. That escalated quickly. Haha, I apologize for turning what was going to be a random collection of thoughts post into one that actually has some of my innermost thoughts. Funny how that happens, eh?
Why am I apologizing? It's my freaking blog!
It's who I am, and as stated earlier, I'm super imperfect, so deal with it. :P
Earl out?
I might post some old Facebook notes that contained random collections of thoughts as a fun little throw-back post. Stay tuned!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Deep First Sentence...
I am the most imperfect person that I know, but I am trying to become better.
This post could go one of two very different directions. I could now expound on that sentence and make this a deep(3 ft.-ish) post, or I could just totally go off the reservation and tell you some crazy story.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
That doesn't even look like a word now.
Let me start by saying I didn't make a New Years Resolution this year.
I'm such a cad.
I suppose I didn't because I had already fixed so much that I didn't really like about myself, and so I became temporarily complacent.
How immature and lame of me. Seriously.
After all this time I've spent not progressing I was really about to let myself be content with mediocrity?
Shame, Earl. Shame.
Back to the first sentence: I am the most imperfect person that I know.
In thinking about that statement, I think it's fair to say that to each individual they, themselves are the most flawed person that they know of. It reminds me of that cliche thing that goes something like: You can't compare your behind-the-scenes with someone else's highlight reel.
I'm getting off-track.
The purpose of this statement to me is that I spend more time and energy than I should judging others. Who am I to think that someone is ugly, stupid, pompous, ignorant, naive, etc., when I know how utterly damaged I am?
I like to think that I don't judge people too often, but it's definitely something I need to work on.
Food for thought, I suppose.
-Smooth change of subject-
Life is interesting, friends.
I'm sure that within a seemingly-long-but-actually-short amount of time, that all of the events that have transpired recently in my life will all make sense.
They don't always seem logical, but the only logic that I can truly trust in is what I feel to be right.
Most of the things that I have done may not have made logical sense, but they felt right.
The hardest part right now is trying to sort out all of my feelings, thoughts, and desires. I often fear that I may have acted rashly, emotionally, and without doing what actually felt right.
It's an almost unbearably terrifying thought. I also believe that I've received two answers to two questions I've been praying about, and they're both comforting and deeply... Well, sad.
But there's absolutely nothing I can do right now about it except for focus on my goal.
Think things through, ladies and gentleman. But don't make the mistake of not listening to what feels right. I think that's the area that should be granted the most energy and true evaluation.
Life is good. Hard, but good. I'm always here for any of my friends who may need me.
For whoever still reads this, you're great. Here comes some odd-Internet PDA.
I love you. (No homo)(that "no homo" didn't apply if you're a woman)
Earl/CJ out
Friday, January 25, 2013
Today Feels Different
So, not entirely sure why, but today feels so different. I went to bed last night at a decent hour, and I'm now awake, and functioning at 7:00 AM.
I know, right?
And I feel so calm.
And I have a giant canker sore.
But I'm so calm about it. There's sooooo much going on nowadays, especially these next couple weeks. Life is going to get crazy.
Yet, here I am: sittin' in my apartment at what was once an ungodly hour, and I feel so flippin' peaceful!
Total zen, baby. Oh, yeah.
So I'm getting that nose surgery that we talked about last time! I'm actually super excited about it. The doctor was telling me all these things that would change about my daily life, for the better, and I was just kind of floored. All these issues he was bringing up I thought were just part of life; I'd never known differently. But nope, I broke my nose when I was super young (apparently), and now I get to have all of it fixed :).
And the grand prize: I get to FINALLY turn in my mission papers :). As stated before, I've been done with my side of the papers for almost a month now, and I've been waiting on all of this medical stuff so I can't even tell you how anxiously excited I am for this :).
It's been a long time coming.
I just want to thank everyone who's always believed in me, even when I had given up on myself. You know who you are.
Earl out
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Work parking lot
I felt the urge to post something for some reason. Haha I have no clue why, I'm just sittin in my work parking lot before my shift and I got the feeling that I should say something on this dealio.
So... Hi :D!
Life is great y'all. There have been some bumps recently but I know that all of this is happening for a higher purpose and by a higher design than I am able to fully understand at this time.
I might be getting surgery....! Haha on my nose of all things. That's such a wimpy soundin surgery. More manly, though, I think, than like... Toe surgery or something. Cuticle surgery.
Feel free to comment below with other wimpy surgeries! I'll keep you all who check back here posted more often as I get closer to my goal :).
Have a great week, everyone :)!
Earl out.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Timing = Important
I've always heard people talk about how they have terrible timing, but I don't think I had ever really experienced it for myself until very recently. I don't think you have a very good sense/care-for timing when you're younger because the schedule you follow is largely dictated by your parents, and as far as timing in other aspects, there aren't really many opportunities growing up for children/teens to be irresponsible with timing.
Timing isn't everything, but man, it sure is important.
The cliche that comes to mind is, "There is a time and a season for all things.."
(Is that a cliche or a scripture...? Ah, well.)
That scriché is totally correct.
Patience, Earl.
Patience, Earl.
Earl out
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Time to Expound
So there I was, in a rut. It sucked.
That was a poem I just wrote for all (2?) of you.
I'm really only blogging right now because I'm at my parents house with a few minutes to spare and I only really do this whole thing when I have access to an actual computer. So... yeah.
Well, I guess I'll tell you about life in recent times!
I think I'll start this story at the end, and then go to the beginning, periodically returning to the end, perhaps with other character's perspectives throughout. Otherwise it's just sort of a linear--
I think I'll start this story at the end, and then go to the beginning, periodically returning to the end, perhaps with other character's perspectives throughout. Otherwise it's just sort of a linear--
Okay, okay.
So there I was, for months I had been in a rut that was quite similar to the first twenty-four months of post-graduation life. My life was stagnant( I wasn't going anywhere. And then I moved, and things changed. If you wanna know more about that time, then go back a few posts.
And then once again... Stagnancy. I don't think that's a word, but I don't mind it too much. For months, it was just the same old thing everyday, and I wasn't really happy. There were great things that happened in those months, don't get me wrong, it's not like I was in the gall of misery or anything, but the overall theme was that I wasn't where I wanted to be. I wasn't who I wanted to be.
So after a lot of personal reflection, some personal experiences, and a kick-in-the-pants by my best friend, I decided enough was enough. It's never easy to give up things that are comfortable to you, things that you might feel like you need. It is worth it though to take stock of all the things in your life, and really dwell on what makes you happy and what doesn't. That way, you can repurpose yourself: your energies, your emotions, all'a that onto the things that give you peace.
So that's what I did. And it was easier than I thought it would be. Staying focused and putting forth the energy necessary to keep myself where I need to be, and doing what I need to be doing, I've changed a lot of things about my life that I didn't like, and ya know what? I've never been happier :).
I started my mission papers... :D and I'm all set to be ordained an Elder in my church tomorrow. My attitude towards most everything in my life has been altered. Many of my opinions have changed, and I've grown to love and appreciate my friends and family infinitely more- or at least it feels that way. I hope I externalize that enough and make those whom I care about feel thus. (Biblical on yo' vocabulary! Word!)
I wanted to have my papers done by now, but I've been at work everyday during the hours when I need to get my dental and physical examinations done :(. But such is life, things don't work out the way you plan them to sometimes. I will have them done by the end of this next week, though. I hope to be serving the Lord full-time very soon.
Yes, ladies and gentleman, it's actual-really-truly happening :).
Maybe I'll write more in the coming weeks, but maybe I won't :P.
Hope all of you are doing well :) Have a great 2013!!!
Earl out
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Ladies and gentleman, it is going to be a great year :). The best I've ever had, I'm sure. I couldn't be more excited/anxious for what's to come and I thank everyone who's had a part in it :). Also, holy-freaking fantastic New Years Eve night :D.
2013, let's do this.
Many, many good things happening.. :)
Earl out
2013, let's do this.
Many, many good things happening.. :)
Earl out
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