Patience has been on my mind a lot this past week.
I feel like sometimes I am very patient and held-together-well, but other times I am a complete mess of impatience. That's silly of me to say because I think one of patience's fundamental qualities is consistency; which, in this area of my life at least, I seem to be lacking pretty hardcore.
On a more positive note, I've been practicing my accent more (much to the pleasure of my coworkers :)). I think it's coming along. And by that I mean that I think that I'm going to get fired.
Just kidding, they love me. I think..
Other than these random thoughts, not too much to report right now, world.
I'm doing quite well!
I'm a little broken :p
Edmon Dauntes in while in the Chateau Di'ef has nothing on me
Pleeease tell me someone got that reference
I'm excited for life!
I love penguins!
It's almost April... Woah. Agh. Wih. Uh. Bluhg. So many things.
God save the queen!
-Earl/CJ out

Sunday, March 24, 2013
Saturday, March 16, 2013
One of thoooose nights..
So here I am: lying in bed.
It is currently 5:09 AM and I've been up since circa 2:35 AM.
... Ugh.
I know why I can't sleep. It's a mixture of many things.
1. I slept all day before work... Stupid, I know.
2. There's a baker beneath my bed. (Rocket Man reference. If you didn't get it, shame on you)
3. There's something in my eye.
--side note-- I'm having such a hard time text-typing this right now hah--
4. Suffice to say there is much on my mind.
Well, duh. (People should say 'duh' more often. Let's bring it back)
I suppose since it is late, (and you all know what that means) I'll give you a somewhat exclusive-if-not-almostcompletely-vague tour of my mind here at this late hour.
First: The Ladies. Or-erm-ahem- lady. There's not much I have, nor would would it be appropriate, to proclaim/say to the virtual world on this topic. I will say this, however: ... I'm trying to think of what my 'however, I will say this' will be. I don't want to be so lame as to give you guys nothing.
Hmm. We'll come back to it.
Second: I have a work meeting in less than 3 hours. Not excited.
Third: Can it be July?
Fourth: Why must I wait 'till July?
Fifth: There's gotta be something, if not many substantial things, that I am to do before then.
Sixth: I really want to watch Rocket Man now..
Seventh: I just learned a few more songs on guitar, as well as dusted off a few old ones. I'll post a list at the bottom of songs I played, just for funsies.
Eighth: These past two weeks have been AWESOME. Ups and downs and all arounds, but awesome, nonetheless.
Allow me to explain:
Last week I was blessed to have many great experiences that I was able to share with some of the people whom I care the most for. I had some late night talks with a couple close friends, one of which really helped me out of a potentially terrible night (thank you, Jaimes!).
I worked a good bit and made some pretty profits!
I went to three weddings! 2 of which were some of my best friends weddings and they were so great for so many reasons. I'll get back to that.
I went to Aric's Bachelor party which was bomb!
I danced my butt off. :)
Worked more.
I had a couple days off this week, too and I spent the vast majority of that time with great guys, the likes of which haven't been known in--blah blah I'm rambling. It was awesome. We nerded out BIG time, and ate many great and terrible-for-you things. Then hung out with a bunch of girls and a few dudes that we didn't know. Good times abounded. I'm sad they're gone.
A myriad of other things happened, but I'll keep those to myself, thank you very much.
One moment, I need to review this post to make sure I covered all my bases and wasn't toooo vague.
Oh, right. Pft. I don't even know why I bother being vague about women. If any of you know me sufficiently then you know exactly who I'm talking about.
For her sake I'll be vague anyway.
Mmm. No I shouldn't say anything.
Well that went no where. Sorry, folks. Guess I can't cash in my previous promise to divulge information on this subject. If ya care to know, ask me in person.
Songs I played in these wee hours of the morning:
Something I learned but cannot remember the name of... I learned it for that girl forever ago. Can't think of the name.
Even if it Kills Me-Jason Mraz
Everything I Own-Bread
More than Words-Extreme
I Won't Give Up-Jason Mraz
Classical Gas-Mason Williams
Something I wrote
'Til Kingdom Come-Coldplay
I Will Wait-Mumford and Sons
Stranger Things Have Happened-FooFighters
I Miss You-Incubus
Um.. I think that's it.
.. Sure.
Mammal. (Autocorrect from mmk)
Man, I love autocorrects :)
Earl/CJ out!
It is currently 5:09 AM and I've been up since circa 2:35 AM.
... Ugh.
I know why I can't sleep. It's a mixture of many things.
1. I slept all day before work... Stupid, I know.
2. There's a baker beneath my bed. (Rocket Man reference. If you didn't get it, shame on you)
3. There's something in my eye.
--side note-- I'm having such a hard time text-typing this right now hah--
4. Suffice to say there is much on my mind.
Well, duh. (People should say 'duh' more often. Let's bring it back)
I suppose since it is late, (and you all know what that means) I'll give you a somewhat exclusive-if-not-almostcompletely-vague tour of my mind here at this late hour.
First: The Ladies. Or-erm-ahem- lady. There's not much I have, nor would would it be appropriate, to proclaim/say to the virtual world on this topic. I will say this, however: ... I'm trying to think of what my 'however, I will say this' will be. I don't want to be so lame as to give you guys nothing.
Hmm. We'll come back to it.
Second: I have a work meeting in less than 3 hours. Not excited.
Third: Can it be July?
Fourth: Why must I wait 'till July?
Fifth: There's gotta be something, if not many substantial things, that I am to do before then.
Sixth: I really want to watch Rocket Man now..
Seventh: I just learned a few more songs on guitar, as well as dusted off a few old ones. I'll post a list at the bottom of songs I played, just for funsies.
Eighth: These past two weeks have been AWESOME. Ups and downs and all arounds, but awesome, nonetheless.
Allow me to explain:
Last week I was blessed to have many great experiences that I was able to share with some of the people whom I care the most for. I had some late night talks with a couple close friends, one of which really helped me out of a potentially terrible night (thank you, Jaimes!).
I worked a good bit and made some pretty profits!
I went to three weddings! 2 of which were some of my best friends weddings and they were so great for so many reasons. I'll get back to that.
I went to Aric's Bachelor party which was bomb!
I danced my butt off. :)
Worked more.
I had a couple days off this week, too and I spent the vast majority of that time with great guys, the likes of which haven't been known in--blah blah I'm rambling. It was awesome. We nerded out BIG time, and ate many great and terrible-for-you things. Then hung out with a bunch of girls and a few dudes that we didn't know. Good times abounded. I'm sad they're gone.
A myriad of other things happened, but I'll keep those to myself, thank you very much.
One moment, I need to review this post to make sure I covered all my bases and wasn't toooo vague.
Oh, right. Pft. I don't even know why I bother being vague about women. If any of you know me sufficiently then you know exactly who I'm talking about.
For her sake I'll be vague anyway.
Mmm. No I shouldn't say anything.
Well that went no where. Sorry, folks. Guess I can't cash in my previous promise to divulge information on this subject. If ya care to know, ask me in person.
Songs I played in these wee hours of the morning:
Something I learned but cannot remember the name of... I learned it for that girl forever ago. Can't think of the name.
Even if it Kills Me-Jason Mraz
Everything I Own-Bread
More than Words-Extreme
I Won't Give Up-Jason Mraz
Classical Gas-Mason Williams
Something I wrote
'Til Kingdom Come-Coldplay
I Will Wait-Mumford and Sons
Stranger Things Have Happened-FooFighters
I Miss You-Incubus
Um.. I think that's it.
.. Sure.
Mammal. (Autocorrect from mmk)
Man, I love autocorrects :)
Earl/CJ out!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
It's Late...
It's late... I'm tired.
Here's what some of my friends have to say right now:
Joe: Tell them I said something cool.
Jacob: I love you.
Brandon: I like nice people.
CJ/Earl/Me: ... I like that.
So, yeah. Life is great.
I have so many stories I could tell! Buuuut not now. Maybe later
Sometimes reminiscing is great :).
Today was fantastic.
Last week was crazy and great. SOO good. I'll explain later.
That's all for now, I'll say more tomorrow.
Earl/CJ out
Here's what some of my friends have to say right now:
Joe: Tell them I said something cool.
Jacob: I love you.
Brandon: I like nice people.
CJ/Earl/Me: ... I like that.
So, yeah. Life is great.
I have so many stories I could tell! Buuuut not now. Maybe later
Sometimes reminiscing is great :).
Today was fantastic.
Last week was crazy and great. SOO good. I'll explain later.
That's all for now, I'll say more tomorrow.
Earl/CJ out
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Oh, boy!
Well, boys and girls; this past week has been crazy.
I worked quite a lot, and when I wasn't working I kept myself busy with studying, keeping up with my shows, playing music, and hanging out!
Went to a concert on Friday, and the only band we went to see wasn't there :(
One of my best friends bachelor party was this past Saturday and it was AWESOME. I'm really happy for him and his soon-to-be wife. I WOULD post some pics and videos, but I'm pretty sure that's against the laws of a bachelor party. Much fun was had.
I also had, hands down, the WORST food week that I've ever had. I ate nothing but pizza, cookies, a FF5 tribute meal, and other assorted junks.
But none of that is exciting.. this is:
I'll post a video sometime of me opening the call, if that's something that you, my friends and readers, would like.
I cannot wait, but I will. Mmmm boy. I've been working for this for a long time, and it's finally happening. I could not have done it without the support of my family and friends.
Since then, I've been taking my studying much more seriously, and I've organized my efforts, and it's going really well! This is my study area:
I'm diggin' it! I'm still adding more resources and whatnot to it, also.
It's gonna be a long four months, but it should be pretty great :).
Here's to the future!
Earl/CJ out
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