Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sound Advice

Whenever I'm about to do something dumb, I find myself, saying to myself, "Earl,... CJ,... Don't be that guy."

And then (usually) I listen to that voice. I don't do the dumb thing that I was about to do. 

Dumb things include: 
Poor driving decisions
Talking to certain people
Eating that thing in the fridge that is maaaaybe expired(?)
Various things of omission

Thanks to all of you Sassafrateers who taught me this valuable lesson. 



Earl/CJ out

Friday, February 15, 2013

Work in Progress

It's an adjustment; this whole living back at home thing.
It's not bad, it's kinda nice to not have to worry about making rent and paying bills but at the same time I REALLY liked being independant and living with my best friends.
Nowadays, I wake up and just do my thang.
  1. bathroom
  2. check the fridge
  3. walk around for a couple minutes
  4. go drum downstairs
  5. check for food (maybe eat)
  6. bathroom
  7. watch the History Channel (I actually like to switch it up between History channel and H2, their less historic version of History channel)
  8. by this point I have to have eaten
  9. play piano
  10. maybe read
  11. get ready for work
  12. go to work
  13. come home
  14. eat
  15. watch tv/a movie with my parents
  16. shower
  17. chill/study/phone/blog/whatever
  18. sleep.
And thus ends each day. I throw in random trips to Orem in there as well as doing some odd jobs around the house. Occasionally I'll run errands (like yesterday) or exercise. But that doesn't happen as often as it should ;P.

This post is boring, and I apologize for that. Life is kind of dull at the moment.

I've been trying for the past six weeks to get my mission papers in now that I've got myself together, and it's just been one obstacle after another. I know that it's all happening for a higher purpose than I currently understand, but it's pretty disheartening sometimes. I'm kind of in a bit of a disheartened stupor these past couple days because I'm sooooo close to being on my way.
I'm so anxious it's flippin' crazy.
I'm trying to stay positive and just keep doing what I've been doing to prepare, but it's wearing on me slightly!
It's all probably just a test to make sure that I'm ready and all of that. Or it could be that I've made the Lord wait this long, and so I'm being made to wait now (not likely, that's a horrible thought and doesn't come from Him). There's another possibility as to why this has been so difficult but I can't bear to think about it, nor can I really find the iron to post something like that. Everything will make sense soon.
I should go to My Spot... I think I'll do that as soon as I'm done posting.
My Spot is in the OM Temple parking lot. It's my sanctuary.

I guess I'll report on the recent fun that's happened in this quest to turn in my papers.

So I got that surgery on my nose like my Doc said to, and she mailed in my papers to my bishop (which didn't even get to him until 13 days later for some reason), and after several trips to the Stake office and meetings with my bishop nothing had really progressed until Tuesday when my Bishop texted me saying that he finally received my medical papers and so I went on Wednesday to Orem to try and meet with the Stake Pres. but he was out of town.
Basically, after like 6 meetings with various leaders, what should have been a maybe 7-10 day ordeal has been much longer.
This is turning into a vent-post... sorry :/. I don't mean to come off as sounding ungrateful. I have so much to be thankful for and I hope that my gratitude is shown and received as often as it should be outside of this internetic venue.

I need to go grocery shopping.

Someone, please give me a topic for my next post so that I can make this more interesting for y'all!

I also decided that I need to start introducing myself more often as CJ, because my whole family is adamant that the woman I marry must call me CJ, not Earl.

Also, The Hush Sound is on repeat for me these days. Mmm, love it.
Earl/CJ out

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Might as well, right?

So, I haven't been in school in a long time.
I miss it.
That's all.

And in other news: Today was a success!
I really haven't ever been a huge Valentines Day subscriber. If you need a commercialized day to use as an excuse to dote on/express love for someone, then shame on you.
I'm going to do my dern'est to not come off as a Bitter Benny while speaking about St. Valentines Day.
I do find both value and merit in Valentines Day. It can be used as a break from the usual hustle and bustle that permeates our daily lives. Use it to set aside arguments and petty disagreements and take advantage of that time to enjoy eachother's company/uniquness/strengths/all'a that.
I've historically had a signifigant other in my life on this, the Fourteenth of February, and while I don't this year I hope that everyone who does have someone special appreciates their worth and blah blah blah blah-- okay, I've reached my sentimental quota for this post.
In summation:
Have a good time, kids.

My day was a very productful one. I:
Picked up my truck from the shop ($$)
Got said truck temporarily registered ($)
Renewed my Drivers License (S)
Applied for a Passport ($$)
Worked ($)

It was a good day, ladies and gentleman.
Large package of Gummi Lifesavers, Be Mine.

Earl out