Friday, October 14, 2011

First post, eh?

Well, this should be interesting. Don't misunderstand: it'll be interesting for me, probably not so much for whomever may stumble upon this wildly unentertaining blog. I know, I know, the title of this blog may give the impression to some that this page contains a plethora of epicicty. Not true. Well.. Not yet anyway. - quick side note - what in the heck kind of word is 'blog' anyhow? Sad but true fact: I like this word so little, that my distaste for it is actually a large part of the reason why I've never really attempted a blog. - back on track now -
I don't see how I expect to be successful with this venture. It took me a good 10 minutes of intense eye-to-screen action to even label this blog. But it is what it is (I say that a lot, as you may soon come to know). So welcome random web-travlers, to The Epic Adventures of.. Me.
"Who is, 'Me?'" - you
Oh, hi. I'm Earl.. No really, my name is Earl. Okay you can stop laughing now, because I'm most certainly NOT kidding.. In all reality I really do like my name. I used to hate it, however. Fun fact: I didn't really even know my name was Earl until I was like.. Six? Yeah, sad, right? This is due, in part, to the fact that my nickname, CJ, was predominately used throughout my younger years. .. .... I just had total writers block for a moment. I had/have no clue what to say now. Curses. Well, moving on. I guess this is the part where I tell you about my day or something?
Enough of this boring introductory shtuff. I realized today that my life has been a large series of painful realizations, wasted time, and fun. Weren't expecting that last bit, huh? Well I'm definitely not gonna be "that guy" (another phrase you'll become greatly accustomed to seeing) who just acts like my life has been so hard and terrible and blah blah blah. Fact is: I've been extremely blessed in life with good friends, family, and comfort. To deny that would just be dee you emm dee. I suppose I'll expound more on the complexities of my mind at a later time in this blog. I would like to see how well I do at keeping up with it first, then maybe I'll indulge you, oh Internet, and give up some of my pointless to you, point-ful (meaningful) to me thoughts. Until then, Earl out.

Did I just come up with a semi-sweet sign-off phrase?... O.o oh boy


  1. The word "blog" comes from the phrase "web log" which was eventually condensed down to "weblog" and then eventually "blog." I'm not denying that it's utterly ridiculous, but that's how it happened.
